We believe in praising God with all your gifts.
Whether you're a classically trained musician or just someone who loves to sing, we want to help you serve and praise however you've been led. There are many opportunities to gather with other musically-minded people at Taylorville MC, including a traditional Choir, a contemporary praise band, and a children's music program that helps kids grow in their singing and performance abilities.
Contemporary Praise Band
Every Sunday, the "Grove Band" leads us in our 9AM contemporary worship service with vocals and instruments, and we love to have new talents join us! The band currently rehearses before service at 8AM. For more information, contact our band leader Hayden at haydensextonmusic@gmail.com, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page!
Sanctuary Choir
Our 11AM worship is led each Sunday by our Sanctuary choir, which is made up of people who love the Lord and want to use their talents in a traditional worship setting. You don't have to be a trained singer to join, and you don't need prior choral experience - everyone who wants to sing is welcome! We practice on Wednesday nights at 7PM. For more information, contact our choir director Regina at regina001@aol.com, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page!
Young Musicians
We believe that kids aren't just the Church of tomorrow, but are a part of the Church of today! Because of that, we want to give our children every opportunity to praise God just as fully as the adults. Our "Young Musicians" program is an opportunity to learn the basics of music theory and performance, and to have a great time learning about Jesus at the same time! Led by Regina Noland (retired Director of Arts for Tuscaloosa City Schools), this program helps children from ages 4 to 5th grade learn about music by making music that they can perform alongside our larger choir during worship. For more information, contact Regina at regina001@aol.com, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page!