Plan Your Visit

Service times and what to expect during your first time joining us in worship

We're so excited to worship with you!

Taylorville Methodist Church is a faithful, budding Global Methodist church that's centered around the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and the hope that's found in Him. Rooted in the Wesleyan Methodist tradition, we believe in growing together, in supporting each other through prayer and community, and in showing and telling people about God's love for them. But we want more than for people to just hear that -- we want them to experience the transformation that comes through a life of faith.

So what does this mean for you? It means that you aren't just invited -- you're wanted. Whether you grew up in church or this is your first time, regardless of what you've been through or done, we're saving a seat for you so that we can celebrate the love of Christ together.


Taylorville MC has two service times, each with their own style and atmosphere:

  • 9:00am: "The Grove" contemporary service in the fellowship hall (first floor, next to the sanctuary)
  • 10:00am: Sunday Schools (adult, young adult, children)
  • 11:00am: Traditional service in the sanctuary (upper level from office)

What can I expect?

How long is a worship service?

Our worship services run just about 60 minutes in length.

Our contemporary service called "The Grove" begins with a time of praise, followed by a scripture reading and an opportunity for prayer. After that, there's more congregational singing, a sermon by our pastors, and Holy Communion every week.

Our traditional service is a little more structured, still beginning with songs of praise, and also featuring choral and piano music and traditional liturgy elements. We celebrate Holy Communion each week in this service.

No matter when you worship - expect to come as you are, but never leave as you are!

**An unstaffed nursery is available in our Family Life Center for parents to go with young children if needed during worship times. Babies and young ones are always welcome in worship services! Children's Sunday School only at 10 am.

What's the culture like at Taylorville MC?

Sunday mornings at TMC are relaxed, friendly, and above all else, celebratory. While our contemporary service is generally more casual and our traditional more "Sunday best," there's no dress code -- we're glad to worship with you however you come! Our primary mission, after all, is to help people build connections so that we can all grow together in faith and faithfulness, one day at a time. Let Sunday mornings be a time of refreshment for your soul!

What about my kids?

We believe that children aren't just the Church of tomorrow - we know they're part of the Church today! At TMC Kids, we prioritize teaching children about Jesus so that they can grow into a personal faith. TMC Kids is offered during the Sunday School hour (10 am) in the nursery for children preschool to 5th grade, where they will have a Bible lesson and do an activity. The nursery is open to parents to use during both worship services if needed. Your children are always invited to stay in service with you to be near you, learn from you, and be loved on by the family of God.

Worship in person is the best way - but not able to be with us one week?

There are three ways to do so: on our Facebook page, on our YouTube channel, and right here on our website. If you want to go back and watch any previous sermons, they're all available in each of those three places as well!

Let us know you're coming

Ready to check out TMC? Have some questions? We can't wait to meet you! Simply fill out the form below and our pastors will reach out to you!